Terms of payment

In case of deliveries within Germany, you have the following payment options:

-  Prepayment via transfer
Payment via PayPal
Payment by invoice
-  Payment by credit card via Mollie.com 

In case of deliveries to a foreign country, you have the following payment options:

-  Prepayment via transfer
-  Payment via PayPal
Payment by credit card via Mollie.com 

Further details on payment


We reserve the right to make the delivery only against prepayment via transfer in isolated cases.
Payment by invoice is possible under the following condition:

Up to an order value of 99,99 €.

The invoice amount is to be settled at the time of payment on invoice within 14 days.

Our bank account:

Althaus Tee Vertriebsgesellschaft mbH
Die Sparkasse Bremen

IBAN DE97 2905 0101 0001 1720 89

In case of questions, please contact us at the contact details mentioned in the Legal Notice.